HDC Says Goodbye to 10 Years of Artifact Curation

HDC’s shelves before and after a visit from MCX-CMAC

Between 2009 and 2012, HDC conducted archaeological investigations at 6 reservoir/flood control sites in Massachusetts and Connecticut for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New England District. The work resulted in 49 boxes of historic and prehistoric artifacts, all of which were bagged and labeled as per federal curation standards after being analyzed and photographed for the technical reports. As part of our contract, HDC was required to curate the collection for 10 years, after which the Corps would decide whether to retrieve the artifacts or pay for additional years of storage. The Corps agreed that the artifacts would go to the Mandatory Center of Expertise (MCX) for the Curation and Management of Archaeological Collections (CMAC) in St. Louis, Missouri. Personnel from MCX-CMAC arrived at HDC’s offices in May, loaded the boxes into rental vehicles, and drove back to St. Louis the same day. Now we just have to find something else to fill those empty shelves!

      View of bagged and tagged artifacts in a box and a metal barrel strap individually tagged