Don’t take Historic Preservation for Grant-ed!

(originally posted by Andy Sewell on January 26, 2015)

President Ulysses S. Grant knows his duty when filing taxes – he contributes to the Ohio History Fund on his state tax return.

Supporting the Ohio History Fund on your 2015 Ohio state taxes is easy, tax-deductable, and a great way to show your support for your state! Donations from the Ohio History tax check-off are used to fund local history projects throughout Ohio through the History Fund grant program.

During its first year of operation, the Ohio History Fund gave out matching grants to 11 projects, ranging from the digitization of rare, pre-WWII color movie film documenting small-town Ohio to improving artifact curation storage and even building public restrooms at Whitewater Shaker Village, allowing the site to be open for public visitation for the first time since restoration efforts began. Supporting historic preservation has never been so easy!

It’s simple to contribute – just check off the box on your tax return and fill in the dollar amount. Remember, your donation is tax-deductable!