HDC Blog Bill Faciane: 15 years of Service at Hardlines Design Company (by Charissa Durst, originally posted on October 3, 2012) When facilities planner and architectural engineer Bill Faciane first started work Congratulations to the 2012 Recchie Award Winners! (by Andy Sewell, originally posted October 1, 2012 ) Hardlines Design Company would like to congratulate our friends at Schooley Columbus Landmarks’ 2012 Annual Design & Preservation Awards Tonight! (by Andy Sewell, originally posted September 27, 2012) It's that time of year again, when Columbus Landmarks presents the annual Going Green with Historic Building Renovation (by Andy Sewell, originally posted September 27, 2012) Undertaking an historical building renovation provides you with an opportunity to combine Heritage Tourism, Hardlines Design style! (by Charissa Durst, originally posted on September 7, 2012) In the past two months, my husband Don and I managed Good Luck, Roy! Hardlines bids adieu to our senior historian (by Andy Sewell, originally posted on July 17, 2012) After fifteen years with Hardlines Design Company, senior historian Roy Hampton Why We Have Dogs at Hardlines Design Company (by Anne Lee, originally posted on April 11, 2012) A recent study on dogs in the workplace was published in 3 Questions to Ask about Needing a Cultural Resources Survey (by Andy Sewell, originally posted March 29, 2012) One of the most common questions clients ask us is whether their Economic Impacts and Historic Preservation (By Andy Sewell, originally posted March 15, 2012) The Southern Theatre in Columbus, Ohio, which also houses the Westin Hotel. I Slept in a Wigwam (by Maria Burkett, originally posted March 1, 2012) Route 66 is a treasure trove of American mid-century vernacular architecture. Many Understanding a Shaker Shop with Historical Archaeology and Architecture (by Andy Sewell, originally posted February 10, 2012) In 2005, Hardlines Design Company (HDC) was tasked by the Ohio Department How Fast Can You Do That Cultural Resources Survey? (originally posted January 27, 2012) Four things a client can do to speed up a survey before the contract is « Previous 1 … 8 9 10 11 Next »