HDC Blog Spring 2014 (originally posted by Andy Sewell on April 15, 2014) Welcome to Hardlines Design Company's Spring 2014 update! As I write Fall 2013 (originally posted by Andy Sewell on November 6, 2013) Our quarterly update for Fall 2013 focuses on recent work we Summer 2013 (by Andy Sewell, originally posted July 1, 2013) Stewart Elementary School Enters Main Phase of Construction Stewart Elementary School is Spring 2013 (by Andy Sewell, originally posted March 20, 2013) HDC Continues to Work on the Woodward Opera House The Woodward Opera A Plantagenet under Pavement: Urban Archaeology can reveal surprises (by Andy Sewell, originally posted February 11, 2013) One of the biggest archaeology stories to hit the news recently has Welcome to our new historian, Ben Riggle! (by Andy Sewell, originally posted January 21, 2013) Hardlines is pleased to announce the hiring of Ben Riggle as our Hardlines’ Oyler School project wins rehabilitation award (by Charissa Durst, posted on December 11, 2012) Back in 2006, when Dick Krehbiel of the Roth Partnership asked me Hardlines welcomes our new Director of Architecture, Brad Curtis! (by Charissa Durst, originally posted October 29, 2012) Hardlines Design Company is pleased to announce the hiring of Brad Curtis, HDC Historic Preservation Work in the News (by Andy Sewell, originally posted October 24, 2012) Recently, HDC architectural engineer Bill Faciane was in the news, talking about Hardlines develops Mid-Century Modern Guide for DoD (by Andy Sewell, originally posted October 18, 2012) Hardlines Design Company recently completed a comprehensive guide to Mid-Century Modern military The 2012 American Cultural Resources Association Conference: Takeaways (by Anne Lee, originally posted October 11, 2012) I recently attended the American Cultural Resources Association's (ACRA) annual conference in Five Things to Keep in Mind About Historic Building Renovation (by Charissa Durst, originally posted on October 4, 2012) We often take for granted the history of a neighborhood. Where once « Previous 1 … 7 8 9 10 11 Next »