Ziti the Noodle Dog is Now Competing at the Excellent Level in Agility!

As a puppy, Ziti was enrolled in agility classes as a way to dissipate her excess energy—she is the first and only HDC beagle to actually get the zoomies. She took to it immediately since it was not too different from jumping over rocks and walking fallen logs in her favorite metro parks. Ziti and Charissa started trialing in 2022 as Novice A (first timers for both handler and dog) and advanced through Open into Excellent for Standard agility, Jumpers with Weaves, and FAST. Ziti loves Jumpers with Weaves since she does not have to slow down or pause as required in Standard agility. FAST is her least favorite, since it now requires her to take obstacles on her own while Charissa is 15 feet away in the distance challenge. Our goal is to see if we can get Ziti into the Masters level and accumulate enough points to go to the Agility Invitational before Ziti gets too old/slow to compete in the FastCAT Invitational at the same time.
Left: Ziti takes a long jump obstacle at an AKC trial. Right: Ziti scrambles over the A-Frame with the judge watching. Photos by Mike at GameOnAgility.